Wednesday, March 28, 2018

A Start

I've started creating the magazine cover and I'm definitely loving how it is turning out so far.
This is it as of now:
     I still have to format the recipe on the second page so that it wraps around the pizza and then I'll just be doing smaller touchups to make it look more professional. It's super exciting seeing how my design looks in real life. I'm starting to think that I'm gonna have a bit of left over space once the recipe is done since I only have 3 more steps but I don't want to add more until I see it since the pizza is going to make the columns much smaller anyway. If I end up with extra space I'm thinking I'll either add another photo or split up one of the longer steps into two so that it looks nicer but I also want to keep it to a low amount of steps because when I was researching I found that a lot of recipes combine multiple steps into one. I think they do this because people only look at the number of steps so if you show them 10 it seems like more work than those same 10 steps put under 5 steps. I still have to see how it looks of course so I'm going to finish up the two-page spread tomorrow if I can but if not then it'll be done by Friday.

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